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La notifica irregolare di Equitalia salva contro l'avviso di intimazione.



Ricorso precompilato contro “avviso di intimazione di Equitalia” con espropriazione forzata. 
Trattasi di modello estratto da reale opposizione contro notifica irregolare di Equitalia che ha prodotto “L’ avviso di intimazione”.

Il Ricorso è composto da 16 pagine in cui sono contenute le migliori sentenze della Suprema Corte di Cassazione che danno ragione al debitore e accordano la sospensione della espropriazione.

È un modello utilissimo, in quanto consente di elaborare la propria istanza di specie in pochissimo tempo, dovendo solo inserire i dati del contribuente, i dati della cartella che ha prodotto L’ avviso di intimazione, e le motivazioni da  collegare alle decine di sentenze già pronte nel modello.


in promo fino al 19.05.2024 invece di 289.90

Pagamento con carta di credito circuiti Visa-Mastercard-American express-PayPal. Se non avete un conto paypal cliccate comunque su “Crea conto paypal” che vi darà la possibilità di pagare con una normale carta di credito o prepagata.

Responsabile del modello: G.Merola commercialista – revisore contabile – contrattualista iscritto all’O.D.C.E.C. di Sala Consilina al n. 101 A, dal 20-5-2000


Non c'è incompatibilità con l'incarico di amministratore unico da parte del commercialista


Commercialisti ed Esperti contabili «non sono incompatibili» con la carica di amministratore unico e legale rappresentante di una società commerciale.

Ciò a seguito di Regolamento del Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili.

Il Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili C.N.D.C.E.C. con l’ordine n. 160 del 2011, ha analizzato le cause di incompatibilità della professione di Commercialista, in riguardo all’ assunzione di incarico di amministratore unico in una s.r.l. e con la successiva iscrizione del professionista presso la Camera di Commercio.

Diciamo subito che I COMMERCIALISTI possono assumere la carica di AMMINISTRATORE UNICO di una società a responsabilità limitata o spa e sono anche compatibili con la mera qualità di socio.


Le incompatibilità dell’esercizio della professione di commercialista, con altre attività svolte,  sono regolate dall’art. 4, comma 1 lett, c) del dlgs n° 139 del 28/06/2005, che dispone l’incompatibilità dell’esercizio della professione di commercialista con:

  • l’esercizio, anche non prevalente, né abituale di una attività di impresa (da parte del commercialista in nome proprio o per conto altrui) svolta per la produzione di beni o servizi, intermediaria nella circolazione di beni o servizi, tra cui ogni tipologia di mediazione nonché il trasporto e spedizione, finanziarie, assicurative od agricole, comprese quelle complementari alle suddette attività.

Ma il secondo comma del citato articolo 4 del dlgs N° 139/2005, dispone (in ogni caso) ha sancito “invece” la compatibilità della professione di commercialista con l’esercizio in conto proprio o per conto altrui di attività di impresa:

– qualora il commercialista rivesta ” la carica di amministratore unico di società «sulla base di uno specifico incarico professionale e per il perseguimento dell’interesse di colui che conferisce l’incarico».

– quando trattasi di attività esercitate per la gestione patrimoniale e di mero godimento o conservative di beni per conto proprio o di terzi;

– qualora il commercialista rivesta la carica di amministratore all’interno di una società di servizi strumentale o ausiliare all’esercizio della professione di commercialista;

La normativa di cui al comma 1 del suddetto decreto legislativo, individua una specifica incompatibilità del commercialista quando l’esercizio dell’ attività d’impresa venga esercitata in conto proprio o in nome proprio o altrui  quindi sotto il proprio nome fisico quale persona fisica.

Compatibilità con l’incarico di amministratore

Il Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili, in base a quanto disposto dal comma 2 del sopra citato art. 4, ritiene compatibile l’assunzione dell’incarico di amministratore unico o con delega ovvero presidente o amministratore delegato quando questi non avendo partecipazione al capitale, l’attività di amministrazione, attiene a uno specifico incarico professionale, e sia escluso un interesse commerciale proprio.

In tal caso dovrà essere accertata l’effettiva assenza, di un interesse economico prevalente da parte del commercialista amministratore unico.

Quindi la norma vuole spiegare che nella buona pratica il commercialista che assume l’incarico di amministratore unico in srl, non potrà essere anche socio della stessa srl, se non in maniera marginale, venendosi a configurare in tal caso, la sua attività di amministratore quale diretta a un interesse di lucro imprenditoriale proprio.

Quindi il commercialista «amministratore unico non socio» di una società a responsabilità limitata o di capitali in genere è perfettamente compatibile con la professione.

A tal proposito abbiamo preparato un proforma ad hoc dove il mandato professionale da sottoscrivere a margine del verbale societario di nomina, contiene la formula essenziale che evita problematiche sulla compatibilità.

Se ha ricevuto una offerta per l’incarico di amministratore unico in una società di capitali potrai UTILIZZARE il proforma di mandato costruito con la formula necessaria per legge, al fine di sollevarti da qualsiasi responsabilità verso l’Ordine di appartenenza.

in promo fino al 23.05.2024 invece di e. 19.90

Dopo la procedura di pagamento il file acquistato ti sarà immediatamente disponibile

Pagamento con carta di credito circuiti Visa-Mastercard-American express-PayPal. Se non avete un conto paypal cliccate comunque su “Crea conto paypal” che vi darà la possibilità di pagare con una normale carta di credito o prepagata.

Responsabile del modello: G.Merola commercialista – revisore contabile – contrattualista iscritto all’O.D.C.E.C. di Sala Consilina al n. 101 A, dal 20-5-2000.

Contenuti aggiornati al 26 aprile 2017


Modello contratto di Locazione commerciale.



già pronto per la firme, per l’affitto del tuo immobile commerciale; sia esso negozio, capannone, ufficio, albergo ed ogni altra tipologia di immobile diverso dalle abitazioni che per destinazione urbanistica ed effettiva – sia utilizzabile esclusivamente per l’esercizio di un’attività di impresa, sia commerciale che artigiana. Il modello PRONTO di « contratto di locazione commerciale » che ti proponiamo  è stato redatto includendo ogni clausola di legge e facoltativa NECESSARIA PER LA TUTELA DEI TUOI INTERESSI.

Il proforma di accordo per la concessione in locazione commerciale del tuo immobile è MOLTO PIU’ DI UN SEMPLICE MODELLO o di una mera struttura di contratto. I patti e condizioni contenuti nel nostro facsimile di locazione commerciale constano di tutti gli articoli e le condizioni di legge che tutelano la tua proprietà e la sicurezza di ricevere  i canoni di locazione! E’ un contratto di locazione commerciale,  già utilizzato, dopo essere stato costruito minuziosamente per tutelare il proprietario locatore e garantire l’adempimento degli obblighi del locatario. 

Il modello di locazione commerciale contiene:

– Previsione di allegazione dell’attestato di prestazione energetica APE;

– Previsione delle spese a carico del conduttore delle spese di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria.

In ogni caso il nostro proforma di contratto di locazione commerciale è personalizzabile, anche se consigliamo di non stravolgere gli articoli e le clausole già predisposte.

Nel caso in cui il proprietario locatore agisca in costanza di impresa, bisognerà emettere fattura all’atto del pagamento dei canoni con addebito dell’ IVA. In questo caso l’imposta di registro annuale scende  all’ 1%.

I dati da inserire dall’acquirente il modello:

  • I dati anagrafici delle parti con allegazione delle copie dei documenti personali;
  • I dati catastali dell’immobile in locazione: quali foglio, particella, sub, vani e rendita catastale;
  • Il canone pattuito per la locazione commerciale e la frequenza dei pagamenti (di solito m
  • L’importo del deposito cauzionale (pari a 2-3 mensilità di canone) che l’inquilino dovrà verserà contestualmente alla sottoscrizione del contratto di locazione commerciale;
  • L’indicazione del possesso dell’APE, ossia dell’attestazione di prestazione energetica dell’immobile oggetto di locazione commerciale, obbligatoria a pena di pesanti sanzioni dal 23 giugno 2013.

Registrazione del contratto di locazione commerciale di immobile strumentale:

  1. Una volta INSERITI i dati delle parti, i dati dell’immobile, il canone previsto e il deposito cauzionale versato, stampare tre copie del contratto di locazione commerciale e sottoscriverle con firma originale su ogni copia unitamente alla controparte;
  2. Apporre una marca da bollo da 16 euro su ogni originale;
  3. Versare l’imposta di registro pari al 2% del canone annuo di locazione se superiore a 67 euro. Nel caso sia inferiore ai predetti 67 euro (il minimo nei casi di prima registrazione) versare comunque lo stesso importo minimo di  67 euro. (tramite f24 elementi identificativi codice 1500 prima annualità).
  4. Registrare il contratto di locazione commerciale all’Agenzia delle Entrate allegando l’APE – l’attestazione di prestazione energetica  e restituire  un’originale del contratto all’inquilino mentre un’originale resterà all’agenzia ed un’altro al proprietario…


modello in formato word già formattato – garantito nei contenuti professionali
Acquista Oggi! In offerta invece di 59.90 fino al 20.05.2024
Prodotto realizzato da Merola Giuseppe – commercialista – revisore contabile – responsabile del sito RIVISTA FISCALE WEB, iscritto all’ODCEC di Sala Consilina al n. 101 sez. A. In caso di problemi contattateci all’indirizzo: info@rivistafiscaleweb.it.locazione commerciale modello facsimile


Proposed Tax on Services Could Hurt Small Business Ownerse


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

Former Convict Creates Day Care Business in Los Angeles


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

1st Detroit Startup Week Helps Black Business Entrepreneurs


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

This Young Man Will Be Sworn-In as Trump’s Only Black Choice


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

Vast New Online Archive of African American History Materials


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

Tale of Africa’s First Black Doctor Bound for the Big Screen


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.

New Documentary Examines History of African American Speech


Going insane was a luxury. It’s the going, that’s the treat. Going suggests travel, moving. There was no going. The madness was constant and still, sitting there, like a place on a map. The women in the beautifully brutal film 12 Years A Slave were mangled and maliciously intertwined.

It was where they lived, where they were from, born and bred into mundane inescapable crazy.

This young couple is having a great time

The twisted relationship dynamics between the two lead female characters Patsey and Mistress Epps in 12 Years A Slave are a horror. A painfully vivid illustration of the dank gnarly negotiations women had to make with each other to survive the demonic conditions of American slavery. The film fearlessly exposes a suppurating historic wound between Black and White women so wicked and utterly honest, it is both repulsive and liberating to witness.

We see the dark and sweet Patsey, doubly enslaved by virtue of her race and beauty, sway for a moment, let go like a girl, do a slow twirl. She is loose trying to lose herself, and she slips, for a moment, into a trance induced by the sound of her only friend Solomon’s sad singing violin. His is almost music. She is almost dancing. It is all almost a human moment.

Great article reading on the new smartphone

All of a sudden she goes limp, drops, knocked back into the terror of her life, by a heavy crystal decanter hurled at her head by Mistress Epps.

All of a sudden, she is once again a battered pile of dirty black woman parts wrapped in rags down on the floor. Mistress Epps is hate, full, guided and preserved by it. Patsey, the object, the affliction. She is, in Mistress Epps molested mind, literally the mistress.

Her husband Edwin Epps is addicted to Patsey, a deadly habit he will not kick, not for his wife, not for her dignity nor her sanity. The Mistress publicly demands Edwin rid himself and her home of the disease that is Patsey. He not only refuses his wife, he comfortably humiliates her.

Claiming his desire for the puddle of nasty nigger wench at their feet. The Mistress is frozen, stunned powerless by her husbands white male supremacy while Patsey is dragged away into darkness.

Patsey and the Mistress Epps personify Black and White American women’s painful slave legacy. American slavery was an insidious economic institution devised to benefit a minority of white Christian men, predicated on systemically preventing others access or the ability to establish alliances. Society has discussed how slavery successfully branded Blacks as inferior and sub-human, yet have we ever fully faced the brain washing, torture and rape terrorism practices slavery inflicted on Black and White women?

Are white privileged women jealous because their husbands had sex and lusted after black women right in their faces?

Powerful young woman taking a selfie

Do they believe the enslaved black women, purposefully seduced their white men, did they think they wanted to be raped?

Are black women in the eyes of white women, the original whores, the quintessential sluts? A sickening set of propositions, but the institution of slavery was such a sick situation for women to be in.

An evil woman is easy to understand. Mistress Epps makes clear white women bound in slavery were far more complicated than pure evil. She is in a tumultuous rage.

Never ending pleasure in talking to him

A white woman’s rage: privileged with no position, positioned with no power, powerful with no promise of independence, fidelity or safety.

The white woman could not properly direct her rage at her husband, she could not rail against white male supremacy. She too was in hell and Black enslaved women where the only ones in the chambers bellow her. So she sent her rage down and with her hot hate burned what was left of the bitches.

And the black women scorched beyond human recognition were left in pieces scattered and buried somewhere beneath hell. The concept of hell, like slavery, was designed to control and terrorize for eternity. The relationship between the mistress and the slave woman was so poisoned from its inception it could never be healed.

Is this our original sin? Could this be at the root of why Black women were cut out of the American suffrage movement when it came time for voting rights for women? Why many white abolitionist women turned their backs on the violence against southern Blacks to secure their own right to vote?

Black and White American women were doomed from the start, viciously competitive, inhuman maddening

Women’s movements can’t move in America until we have courageous honest discourse about the sadistic historic foundation of the relationship. We were systematically cultured to distrust and envy each other. We were never meant to be sisters.